Novis­sa AG – Blinds control

Office rooms with blinds control

Pro­ject Description:

The com­pa­ny Novis­sa AG as a lea­ding com­pa­ny in the dis­tri­bu­ti­on of hou­se­hold appli­ances has moved into new offices. The con­trol of the blinds was rea­li­zed with our KNX system. Due to our system the rap­tors were inte­gra­ted in the flo­or channel.

The cabling of the blinds is done by our KNX system with Woertz Com­bi 5x2,5mm² + 2x1,5mm² with the rap­tors, which are instal­led in the flo­or chan­nel. The blinds are ope­ra­ted local­ly via a push but­ton and super­or­di­na­te via a cen­tral control.

Pro­duct systems used:

woertz flat cable system combi 5g25 and 2x15 mm2 knx

Flat cable system Com­bi 5G2.5+2x1.5 mm² (KNX)

Fle­xi­ble system for decen­tra­li­zed buil­ding auto­ma­ti­on that com­bi­nes power cur­rent and bus data line in a sin­gle cable application.

KNX flat cable actuators for blind control

KNX flat cable actua­tors for blinds control

KNX flat cable actua­tors for shut­ter con­trol KNX bus cou­pler inte­gra­ted Shut­ter actua­tor 3‑fold- 2 limit swit­ches – 3 x 8 A max. – 3 x 4‑pin socket Code , STAK® or Win­sta® – pha­se L1, L2 or L3 or Shut­ter actua­tor 2‑fold, 3 limit swit­ches – 2 x 8 A max. – 2 x 5‑pin socket Code 1 Code , STAK® or Win­sta® – pha­se L1, L2 or L3

Floor channel BOK 8880 400x60mm integrated leveling device

Flo­or chan­nel BOK 8880

Robust, resi­li­ent, easi­ly acce­s­si­ble and visual­ly aes­the­tic system that ful­ly meets today­’s demands and ever-chan­ging needs in modern offices and com­mer­cial spaces.

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