ELVA AG, Dornach

Woertz con­nec­tion tech­no­lo­gy for the switch­gear manufacturer

Pro­ject Description:

The com­pa­ny ELVA AG with head­quar­ters in Dor­nach, is acti­ve as a switch­gear manu­fac­tu­rer throug­hout Switz­er­land and rea­li­zes sophi­sti­ca­ted low-vol­ta­ge dis­tri­bu­ti­ons. With it, as the best and most important part­ner, we have a long-stan­ding busi­ness relationship.

Screw ter­mi­nals and plug-in spring ter­mi­nals in various designs with ter­mi­nal cover pro­vi­de a good over­view of the con­nec­ted consumers.

Due to its many years of expe­ri­ence, the Woertz com­pa­ny meets the­se expec­ta­ti­ons and pro­vi­des the appro­pria­te support.


Pro­duct systems used:

Screw terminals

Screw ter­mi­nals

Screw ter­mi­nals are the bul­kiest ter­mi­nal blocks for the best contact.

Plug-in spring terminals

Spring-cage ter­mi­nals

Spring-cage ter­mi­nals are the most afforda­ble ter­mi­nal blocks but pro­vi­de the wea­k­est contact.