New Mul­ti­plex Frauenfeld

Aes­the­tic cable rou­ting in indi­vi­du­al design

Pro­ject Description:

New cons­truc­tion of office and com­mer­cial pre­mi­ses for lar­ge tenants, e.g. Migros and can­to­nal administrations.

On the 4th flo­or, sup­p­ly and instal­la­ti­on of covera­ble flo­or trun­king. On flo­ors two and three, rea­lizati­on of cable rou­ting with spe­cial pede­stal ducts.

Pro­duct systems used:

Floor channel BOK 8880 400x60mm integrated leveling device

Flo­or duct BOK 8880

Robust, resi­li­ent, easi­ly acce­s­si­ble and visual­ly aes­the­tic system that ful­ly meets today­’s demands and ever-chan­ging needs in modern offices and com­mer­cial spaces.