LED flat cable lights IP68


Pro­duct catalogue

LED flat cable lights IP68

Schnell­an­schluss­do­se IP68 mit inte­grier­ter LED-Beleuchtung

  • Box with built-in 5W LED light
  • Relia­ble and safe lighting
  • Quick and easy installation
  • Pre­as­sem­bled system

Eco­no­mic­al LED lumi­n­aires with high IP pro­tec­tion rating for escape rou­tes, grot­tos, tun­nels, gar­den paths, par­king lots, under­pas­ses, scaf­fol­ding and cons­truc­tion tem­po­ra­ry struc­tures. Ide­al also in envi­ron­ments with high humi­di­ty and dirt.

The instal­la­ti­on of the LED lumi­n­aires is tool-free and wit­hout cable cut­ting or strip­ping. The paten­ted lever mecha­nism, which is also used in the Woertz quick con­nec­tion boxes, allo­ws instal­la­ti­on within seconds.

The con­duc­tors are cont­ac­ted relia­bly and error-free wit­hout the need for strip­ping. The high IP pro­tec­tion rating and the robust, com­pact design enable ver­sa­ti­le and relia­ble use.

The modu­le’s clear light pro­vi­des good illu­mi­na­ti­on of the work­place and the sur­roun­ding area. The LED lights are extre­me­ly eco­no­mic­al in ope­ra­ti­on and have an excep­tio­nal­ly long ser­vice life. The metal parts are made of cor­ro­si­on-resi­stant steel.

The who­le system is also available pre-assembled.

woertz led lights

Unfold – Attach – Close

LED flat cable light
LED flat cable light
Grotto lighting
Grot­to lighting
Escape routes
Escape rou­tes
LED box IP68 230V
LED box IP68 230V