
News about Woertz AG and elec­tri­cal instal­la­ti­on technology.


Event Woertz to increa­se the range 

Arri­val Woertz AGHof­acker­stra­sse 47Post­fach 948CH – 4132 Mut­tenz By loa­ding the map, you agree to Goo­g­le’s pri­va­cy poli­cy.Learn more Load map Always unblock Goog­le Maps Regi­stra­ti­on form

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woertz an der ineltec 2024 min

Woertz at the inel­tec 2024 

Woertz at the inel­tec 2024  We would like to thank all visi­tors for the many inte­re­st­ing dis­cus­sions and the gre­at inte­rest in our solu­ti­ons. Your enthu­si­asm con­firms that we are on

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Sus­tainable elec­tri­cal installation 

Sus­tainable elec­tri­cal instal­la­ti­on aims to use ener­gy and raw mate­ri­als effi­ci­ent­ly to redu­ce nega­ti­ve envi­ron­men­tal impact. The flat cable method can rea­li­ze this goal opti­mal­ly wit­hout addi­tio­nal costs and effort.

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woerz on youtube news min

Woertz on Youtube 

Tune in now to 5 lan­guages on You­Tube! We look for­ward to wel­co­ming you on the fol­lo­wing chan­nels. Click on your language:

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Open Day 

On the occa­si­on of our 95th anni­ver­sa­ry, we invi­ted to an open day at our pro­duc­tion plant in Höl­stein. An exci­ting expe­ri­ence tour led through the exhi­bi­ti­on about the history

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guarantee fire safety

Woertz flat cable systems for fire safety 

Sehr geehr­te Damen und Her­ren In Ver­gan­gen­heit erhielt Woertz immer wie­der Anfra­gen, ob Flach­ka­bel des Systems für Brand­si­cher­heit ein­zeln aus­ge­lie­fert wür­den. Auch wenn uns die­ses Inter­es­se an unse­ren Pro­duk­ten freut,

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Sta­tus 2023: Woertz remains sta­ble and expands 

Woertz AG – Preis­sta­bi­li­tät und Lie­fer­fä­hig­keit – Aus­bau Pro­duk­ti­ons­stand­ort CH Sehr geehr­te Damen und Her­ren,Ver­ehr­te Part­ner und Part­ne­rin­nen,Hoch­ge­schätz­te Kund­schaft Unse­re Geschäfts­po­li­tik hat sich bewährt, Woertz geht gestärkt aus der Kri­se hervor:

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Weihnachten 2022

Christ­mas 2022 

Dear cus­to­mers, part­ners and fri­ends of Woertz AG We would like to thank you for the plea­sant coope­ra­ti­on this year and wish you a peaceful holi­day sea­son and a wonderful

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Review Woertz @Light+Building 2022 

We look back on a gre­at event with inte­re­st­ing mee­tings and con­ver­sa­ti­ons. It was a plea­su­re to meet so many new and fami­li­ar faces in per­son at our beau­tiful exhibition

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Repla­ce­ment DEL-Index 

Cus­to­mer infor­ma­ti­on regar­ding a surchar­ge for metals used: The DEL Index was sus­pen­ded on Febru­ary 11th, 2022. Sin­ce that date the­re has been a WM index (West­me­tall), which fol­lows the

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ladeinfrastruktur e mobility woertz ag 1

New mem­ber at

We are proud to be a new mem­ber of swiss-emo­­­bi­­­li­­­ty and hope to con­tri­bu­te to the emer­ging e‑mobility mar­ket. Woertz Cabling for E‑Mobility: The fle­xi­ble and at any time expandable

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Beitragsbild Messen2

Elec­tro­plast SA 

  The par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on at the event 2019 of Elec­tro­plast SA on 10–11.04.2019 was very exci­ting. We were able to opti­mal­ly pre­sent our inno­va­ti­ve flat cable systems and our new online

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Beitragsbild Messen2

Elek­tro Tech­nik 2019 

Elek­tro­tech­nik is the trade fair for buil­ding, indu­stry, ener­gy and light­ing tech­no­lo­gy in Dort­mund. It takes place from 13. – 15.02.2019. Their attrac­ti­ve­ness for the trade visi­tors is the basis

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Beitragsbild Messen2

Elett­ro Espo 2018 

  The Elec­t­ro ESPO Bel­lin­zo­na will take place for the 19th time from 3 to 4 Octo­ber 2018. The Bien­na­le Exhi­bi­ti­on is one of the main trade fairs for electrical

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Beitragsbild Messen2

Elek­t­ro-Tec 2018 

    Con­nec­ted World. Net­wor­king is more than just tech­no­lo­gy. It makes buil­dings and buil­ding ser­vices smar­ter, pro­vi­des more living and working com­fort, saves resour­ces and turns a coll­ec­tion of

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Beitragsbild Messen2

Light and buil­ding 2018 

  Light + Buil­ding is the worl­d’s lea­ding trade fair for light­ing, design and intel­li­gent buil­ding tech­no­lo­gy, and thus the plat­form for the digi­tal revo­lu­ti­on in buil­dings. The bian­nu­al world

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Beitragsbild Messen2

Swiss­bau 2018 

  The most important Swiss cons­truc­tion trade fair “Swiss­bau”, which takes place every two years in Basel, ope­ned its doors on Tues­day. 1’046 exhi­bi­tors from 17 count­ries pre­sent them­sel­ves on

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