DALI wiring system


Pro­duct catalogue

DALI cabling system

Our system offers quick and easy instal­la­ti­on, fle­xi­bi­li­ty and high ener­gy effi­ci­en­cy. The safe­ty-cer­ti­fi­ed cables are sui­ta­ble for diver­se appli­ca­ti­ons and redu­ce costs and resources.

Simp­le plan­ning, quick assem­bly, pre-assem­bled and ener­gy-effi­ci­ent operation.

DALI wiring with Woertz flat wire

The advan­ta­ges

  • Quick – Con­nec­tions can be instal­led in less than a minute
  • Fle­xi­ble – Can easi­ly be exten­ded when­ever and wherever
  • Zero con­fu­si­on – Install with con­fi­dence thanks to system coding
  • Resour­ce-effi­ci­ent – Redu­ced num­ber of wires / low vol­ta­ge loss
  • Afforda­ble – Less wires, less work, less costs
  • Safe – Hig­hest safe­ty clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on: B2ca s1 d0 a1
woertz dali thumbnail min
Woertz DALI Installation
Woertz DALI Extensibility
Woertz DALI System

The Woertz DALI wiring system

The system com­pri­ses flat wires, quick-con­nec­tion sockets, and a plug system to power and con­trol up to 64 DALI lights for indoor as well as out­door use thanks to IP66/IP68 pro­tec­tion. The flat wire com­bi­nes power with a DALI bus line in one wire. This decen­tra­li­sed instal­la­ti­on saves a con­sidera­ble amount of wiring as well as instal­la­ti­on time, and signi­fi­cant­ly sim­pli­fi­es planning.

Quick instal­la­ti­on

Pluggab­le junc­tion boxes are atta­ched or screwed to the cable wit­hout cable sepa­ra­ti­on by means of insu­la­ti­on pier­cing cont­acts. The con­nec­tion can be made any­whe­re on the cable. With the new quick-con­nect sockets, a cont­act can be instal­led wit­hout tools in less than a minute.


This system saves lots of ener­gy for its enti­re working life becau­se the live main line is never inter­rupt­ed, avo­i­ding any unneces­sa­ry vol­ta­ge loss at cont­act points like with con­ven­tio­nal and pluggab­le solutions.


The flat wire for DALI is available in the sky-blue edi­ti­ons 3G2.5+2x1.5mm² (LNPE) and 5G2.5+2x1.5mm² (3LNPE). The lat­ter is also available as a light-grey IP68 edi­ti­on for out­door use. Colours can be chan­ged if desired.


The flat wire system com­plies with the hig­hest safe­ty requi­re­ments (B2ca s1 d0 a1) in buil­ding pro­duct regu­la­ti­ons. The wire its­elf does not pre­sent any fire hazard at all. 


Com­mon appli­ca­ti­ons include lift shafts or indoor light­ing in schools, hotels, muse­ums, churches, joi­n­ers’ work­shops, and com­mer­cial, office and public buil­dings. Or out­door at rail­ways sta­ti­ons, air­ports, rail­way and road tun­nels, and access, res­cue and escape tunnels.

Refe­rence projects

Pro­duct systems

Flat wires vs. con­ven­tio­nal method

Flat cable vs round cable: Contacting
Quick, simp­le installation
Flat cable vs round cable: Power loss
Mini­mal vol­ta­ge loss – opti­mum cur­rent flow
Flat cable vs round cable: time saving
The total time saved is enormous
Flat cable vs round cable: Failure
Low break­down risk

FAQ – Fre­quent­ly asked questions

With paten­ted pier­cing cont­act by Woertz, a poin­ted screw or kni­fe pier­ces the insu­la­ti­on of a flat wire down to the wire strand. This pushes the stran­ded wires apart. The indi­vi­du­al wires are most­ly loca­ted at the screw or the kni­fe sur­face, but the strand is not sever­ed like with con­ven­tio­nal cont­ac­ting. The indi­vi­du­al wires are stret­ched to pro­du­ce cont­act pres­su­re that faci­li­ta­tes power trans­mis­si­on bet­ween the wires and gua­ran­tees low resi­stance values. This kind of cont­act has the advan­ta­ges of fle­xi­ble assem­bly opti­ons and varied applications.

Plug con­nec­tors use plugs and sockets, so wires first have to be pres­sed, wel­ded or sold­e­red tog­e­ther befo­re they can be fed into the plug con­nec­tion. This method is espe­ci­al­ly prac­ti­cal if con­nec­tions have to be remo­ved regu­lar­ly. This then pro­du­ces mul­ti­ple addi­tio­nal cont­acts that increa­se resi­stance and cau­se vol­ta­ge loss. For the sake of ener­gy effi­ci­en­cy, then, the live main line should not be used. Cont­act points are also high-risk. If the­se are arran­ged in a row, one cont­act point fai­ling will cau­se all the fol­lo­wing points to fail too.

With a flat wire, the live main line is not inter­rupt­ed and is also not affec­ted by a cont­act point fai­ling. The cur­rent flow is con­sist­ent­ly optimal.

The clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on B2ca com­pri­ses the main requirements:

1. con­ta­ins fla­me dispersion
2. limits the spread of fire
3. limits the heat-release rate

Other safe­ty cri­te­ria are also requi­red, howe­ver. This addi­tio­nal clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on is pro­vi­ded with the let­ters ‘s’ (smo­ke), ‘d’ (dro­p­lets) and ‘a’ (aci­di­ty).

The addi­tio­nal clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on s1 d0 a1 is the hig­hest clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on pos­si­ble and contains:

s1: no high smo­ke emission
d0: no fla­ming droplets
a1: no cor­ro­si­ve gases formed

If no addi­tio­nal clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on is pro­vi­ded, the wire does not com­ply with the safe­ty requirements.