Woertz brings buil­dings to life

Total elec­tri­cal engi­nee­ring solu­ti­ons for elec­tri­cal installation

Woertz system solu­ti­ons are quick to install, con­ser­ve resour­ces in the use of mate­ri­als, are ener­gy-effi­ci­ent in ope­ra­ti­on, can be fle­xi­bly expan­ded, and meet the hig­hest safe­ty standards.

Elec­tri­cal engi­nee­ring from a sin­gle source you can rely on!

Your com­pe­tent partner

Woertz AG, foun­ded in 1928 and head­quar­te­red in Switz­er­land, is a relia­ble manu­fac­tu­rer of com­ple­te system solu­ti­ons for elec­tri­cal instal­la­ti­on with supe­ri­or bene­fits for e‑mobility, buil­ding auto­ma­ti­on and fire safe­ty, as well as cable rou­ting systems and con­nec­tion technology.

Why Woertz?

  • Fle­xi­bi­li­ty through own pro­duc­tion and assembly
  • Added value through aes­the­tics and quality
  • Gua­ran­tee of per­fect qua­li­ty of goods
  • Pro­blem sol­ver for com­plex systems
  • High cus­to­mer satisfaction

System solu­ti­ons

Modern buil­dings are com­plex systems that have to com­bi­ne many requi­re­ments under one roof. Buil­ding owners and inve­stors demand ener­gy effi­ci­en­cy, func­tion­a­li­ty, modu­la­ri­ty and fle­xi­ble usa­ge opti­ons. Pro­ject plan­ning and imple­men­ta­ti­on of the elec­tri­cal instal­la­ti­on must the­r­e­fo­re meet the hig­hest qua­li­ty requi­re­ments. In addi­ti­on, the­re is a gre­at deal of time and cost pres­su­re. All of this places demands on both peo­p­le and technology.

Whe­re­ver things get chal­len­ging, we sup­port our cus­to­mers with intel­li­gent solu­ti­ons. As a lea­ding manu­fac­tu­rer of com­ple­te instal­la­ti­on systems and com­pon­ents for elec­tri­cal instal­la­ti­on tech­no­lo­gy, Woertz stands for qua­li­ty, cus­to­mer pro­xi­mi­ty and inno­va­ti­on. With us, the most diver­se tech­no­lo­gies have their per­ma­nent place under one roof.

Test our per­for­mance – Be inspi­red by our new pro­ducts. See the many ways in which Woertz can also be a com­pe­tent part­ner for you in elec­tri­cal instal­la­ti­on. All Woertz systems are per­fect­ly inter­con­nec­ted, even across divi­si­ons, and mer­ge seam­less­ly into one ano­ther. Ever­ything from a sin­gle source with an expe­ri­en­ced con­sul­ting team as your partner.

One of the simp­lest ele­ments of a cir­cuit are the ter­mi­nal blocks. They have only two simp­le func­tions: First, to con­duc­tively con­nect the wires of the ter­mi­nal blocks to each other, and second, to mecha­ni­cal­ly hold the wire ends.

Paten­ted sin­ce 1972, our flat cable system offers high fle­xi­bi­li­ty and prac­ti­cal­i­ty in elec­tri­cal instal­la­ti­on. Con­nec­tions as well as bran­ches can be made direct­ly and effi­ci­ent­ly wit­hout cable inter­rup­ti­ons, at any point, and also at any time at a later date.

For new buil­dings and reno­va­tions, only pro­ducts desi­gned and cer­ti­fi­ed in accordance with the appli­ca­ble stan­dard may be used.

Woertz hos­pi­tal ducts alre­a­dy meet the hig­hest requi­re­ments with certification.

All important docu­ments for download.

The pro­duc­tion faci­li­ties are as ver­sa­ti­le as their capa­bi­li­ties are uni­que. Woertz is proud of its in-hou­se pro­duc­tion for elec­tri­cal instal­la­ti­on tech­no­lo­gy at two loca­ti­ons in the can­ton of Basellandschaft.