Medi­cal care units – hos­pi­tal channel


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The 4675 Hos­pi­tal Pipe­line is available as a one‑, two- and three-com­part­ment pipe­line system. The length and num­ber of com­part­ments can be sel­ec­ted free­ly to gua­ran­tee the care capa­ci­ties requi­red. Built-in media con­nec­tions form one per­fect unit with pluggab­le front pro­files to meet all the requi­re­ments of day-to-day care in terms of safe­ty, user-fri­end­li­ness, hygie­ne, and ease of cleaning.

Dif­fe­rent media can be fed in at the rear, front-left and front-right sides, and even from abo­ve using an access chan­nel. The wide ran­ge of RAL and NCS colour opti­ons makes it per­fect­ly adap­ta­ble to dif­fe­rent room designs.


Media con­nec­tions are incor­po­ra­ted via the built-in com­bi-rail: Medi­cal gas-dischar­ge points, elec­tri­ci­ty and IT com­pon­ents, and nur­se call.

Gas-dischar­ge points and net­work-sup­p­ly com­pon­ents are distanced in com­pli­ance with stan­dards and regu­la­ti­ons. This gua­ran­tees clear sepa­ra­ti­on of the dif­fe­rent media.

Hig­hest-level cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­ons for medi­cal care units.

  • Gua­ran­teed com­pli­ance with SN EN ISO 11197:16 standard
  • The cons­truc­tion of the gas com­pon­ents is EN ISO 11197:19-certified
  • Enti­re system cer­ti­fi­ed (pro­duct group incl. system components)
  • All com­pon­ents com­ply with the new regulation
  • Ope­ra­ting ins­truc­tions and assem­bly spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons com­ply with the cur­rent standard

Only pro­ducts tested and cer­ti­fi­ed accor­ding to the cur­rent stan­dard can be used for new builds and refurbishments.

mve 4675

Medi­cal sup­p­ly units MVE 4675

For relia­ble sup­p­ly of ener­gy, data, and gases, cus­to­mi­zed in modu­lar design. 

  • Mate­ri­al: Alu­mi­num or steel extru­si­on pro­fi­le 2.2 mm
  • Dimen­si­ons: 250 × 90 mm, 200 × 90 mm, and 140 × 90 mm
  • Stan­dard length: 2000 mm, stan­dard finish: RAL 9010 or anodized
  • Out­lets: Drä­ger, Drä­ger AGFS, Pan­Gas, etc.
  • Ope­nings for gas dischar­ge at the bottom
  • Net­work com­pon­ents: Fel­ler EDI­ZIO­due, Hager kal­ly­sto, etc.
  • Nur­se call: Tyco, Gets, Ascom, etc.
  • IT and audio com­pon­ents as per user’s specification