Woertz fire-safe­ty systems


Pro­duct catalogue

Fire Safe­ty Systems

Woertz offers a com­pre­hen­si­ve fire safe­ty system that meets the hig­hest safe­ty stan­dards. Our flat cable system ensu­res fast instal­la­ti­on, maxi­mum safe­ty and system gua­ran­tee. Our FE180 flat cable meets the most strin­gent fire safe­ty stan­dards and gua­ran­tees 180 minu­tes of insu­la­ti­on reten­ti­on. Ide­al for buil­dings and tun­nels, with cer­ti­fi­ed per­for­mance and the hig­hest clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on in the Cons­truc­tion Pro­ducts Regulation.

Woertz system solu­ti­on for fire safety

The advan­ta­ges

  • Quick assem­bly – No inter­rupt­ing wires
  • Utmost safe­ty- FE180, E30/E90, B2ca s1 d0 a1
  • All-round solu­ti­on – System-tested wiring and wire routing
  • System gua­ran­tee – Gua­ran­tee for the enti­re system
Dr. Tamas Onodi
Dr. Tamas Ono­diCEO Woertz AG
“Through design advan­ta­ges and high-tech mate­ri­als, the paten­ted Woertz fire safe­ty flat cable system is much safer than round cable and also offers supe­ri­or instal­la­ti­on speed advantages.” 

Fire-safe­ty systems for buil­dings and tunnels

The Woertz fire-safe­ty system is an all-round solu­ti­on for the hig­hest safe­ty requi­re­ments, com­pri­sing wire rou­ting, flat wires and con­nec­tion ter­mi­nals. In case of fire, it gua­ran­tees that safe­ty-rela­ted ele­ments are depen­da­b­ly sup­plied with ener­gy to gua­ran­tee neces­sa­ry air, light and signal­ling during an evacuation.

Woertz offers an all-round solu­ti­on that is system-tested and has E90 func­tion­al inte­gri­ty from a sin­gle source. Plus, FE180 flat wires meet the hig­hest safe­ty clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on in buil­ding regu­la­ti­ons – B2ca s1 d0 a1 – mea­ning it does not exhi­bit any cri­ti­cal beha­viour in case of fire.

fire safety videotitle

FE180, E30/E90 fire-safe­ty system

Based on the flat-wire instal­la­ti­on system, safe­ty-rela­ted ele­ments can relia­bly be pro­vi­ded with ener­gy in case of fire.

Woertz flat wires are clas­si­fi­ed as FE180 safe­ty wires.

The par­al­lel strands insi­de the flat wire are cera­mic-insu­la­ted to gua­ran­tee 180-minu­te insu­la­ti­on inte­gri­ty. The distance bet­ween strands are cal­cu­la­ted to ensu­re that, even in case of fire com­ple­te­ly destroy­ing the insu­la­ti­on mate­ri­al, the­re is no pos­si­bi­li­ty of cont­act or short-cir­cui­ting bet­ween indi­vi­du­al strands.


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Load video

FE180 insu­la­ti­on integrity

Insu­la­ti­on inte­gri­ty is tested to deter­mi­ne how long a wire can main­tain its mini­mum insu­la­ti­on capa­ci­ty during a fire and wit­hout any mecha­ni­cal stress. The wire is expo­sed to 750ºC heat across 50 cen­ti­me­t­res. If power is still run­ning and the­re has not been a short-cir­cuit or inter­rup­ti­on after the test dura­ti­on of 180 minu­tes, the test is con­side­red suc­cessful and the wire recei­ves the clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on FE180 (FE = ‘fla­me expo­sure’ or ‘fire expo­sure’) for 180 minutes.

E30/E90 func­tion­al inte­gri­ty (DIN4102-12)

The DIN 4102–12 test and the clas­si­fi­ca­ti­ons E30, E60 and E90 is a system test for the func­tion­al inte­gri­ty of both elec­tri­cal ele­ments and the load-bea­ring system.

‘Func­tion­al inte­gri­ty’ means that the power sup­p­ly to safe­ty-rela­ted equip­ment is main­tai­ned in case of fire. This inclu­des instal­la­ti­ons for emer­gen­cy and escape-rou­te light­ing, smo­ke-extra­c­tion systems and fire­figh­ter lifts. The func­tion­al inte­gri­ty indi­ca­tes how long an instal­la­ti­on will con­ti­n­ue to func­tion in case of fire. It inclu­des the beha­viour of the enti­re wiring system, inclu­ding wires, ter­mi­nal, wire rou­ting and fixing material.

Buil­ding regulations

Clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on B2ca s1 d0 a1

Buil­ding regu­la­ti­ons and fire-per­for­mance clas­ses indi­ca­te the clas­ses that must be used in buil­ding instal­la­ti­ons today. Woertz flat-wire systems are halo­gen-free and have fla­me-retar­dant and low-smo­ke pro­per­ties in accordance with IEC and EN.

The clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on B2cs inclu­des con­tai­ning fla­me disper­si­on, limi­ting the spread of fire, and limi­ting the heat release rate.

Our flat wires have the hig­hest pos­si­ble clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on for cons­truc­tion pro­ducts, B2ca s1 d0 a1, mea­ning they are well abo­ve the stan­dard requi­re­ments for wires wit­hout cri­ti­cal beha­viour. Our solu­ti­ons gua­ran­tee you care­free instal­la­ti­on in buil­dings – even if anything were to go wrong.

Addi­tio­nal s1 d0 a1 classification

S1 do a1 is the hig­hest pos­si­ble addi­tio­nal clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on for a cable. It is essen­ti­al for the pro­tec­tion of life and limb. In the event of fire, the cables them­sel­ves must not pose any fur­ther dan­ger. The­se addi­tio­nal clas­si­fi­ca­ti­ons are indi­ca­ted by the let­ters “s” for smo­ke, “d” for drip­ping and “a” for corrosive.

If no addi­tio­nal clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on is indi­ca­ted for a cable, the­se cables do not meet the­se safe­ty requirements.

s1- weak smoke formation
s1- weak smo­ke formation
d0 - no burning droplets
d0 – no bur­ning droplets
a1 - slightly corrosive gases
a1 – slight­ly cor­ro­si­ve gases

Fire safe­ty – set up safe­ly with Woertz 

When set­ting up buil­dings, the choice of wiring for the power sup­p­ly should be made ear­ly on. Key cri­te­ria in the decis­i­on include the size of the buil­ding and its pur­po­se. A fire-safe­ty plan is also abso­lut­e­ly neces­sa­ry for wiring systems for increa­sed secu­ri­ty requi­re­ments. We have the right exper­ti­se to help you with this and can also demon­stra­te it with rele­vant certificates.

vde certi
e90 fire safety certificate

Fire safe­ty in buildings

Fire-safe­ty plans for wiring

The stan­dard plan for fire safe­ty breaks buil­dings down into fire com­part­ments with power-sup­p­ly wires insi­de or outside.

The safe­ty plan focu­ses on fire sec­tors whe­re a com­ple­te fail­ure of the power sup­p­ly would be cri­ti­cal, so it designs decen­tra­li­sed mul­ti­ple covera­ge within a fire compartment.

Fire com­part­ments 1–4:
Stan­dard plan with power-sup­p­ly wires out­side the affec­ted fire compartment.

Fire com­part­ments 5, 6:
Stan­dard plan with power-sup­p­ly wires insi­de the affec­ted fire compartment.

Fire com­part­ment 7:
Safe­ty plan with decen­tra­li­sed mul­ti­ple covera­ge in one or more fire compartments.

scheme fire-safety plan

Fire safe­ty in tun­nel cons­truc­tion (emer­gen­cy light­ing / light­ing / ventilation)

Woertz has spe­ci­al­ly deve­lo­ped a wiring system with mas­si­ve­ly increa­sed secu­ri­ty requi­re­ments for use in tun­nel cons­truc­tion for road and rail­way tun­nels. This modu­lar system solu­ti­on is set apart by its high water, dust and fire resistance.

The system solu­ti­on makes it pos­si­ble to pre-assem­ble instal­la­ti­on-rea­dy flat-wire strands that can be instal­led on-site in the shor­test pos­si­ble time. This redu­ces inter­rup­ti­on of use to an abso­lu­te mini­mum in infras­truc­tu­re constructions.

The­re are high requi­re­ments for wiring systems in infras­truc­tu­re cons­truc­tions like tun­nels, under­pas­ses and car parks. Dirt, humi­di­ty and high-pres­su­re clea­ning expo­se elec­tri­cal instal­la­ti­ons to a wide-ran­ging demands.

road tunnel emergency lighting lighting ventilation

The­se wiring systems have to pro­vi­de a high degree of secu­ri­ty, relia­bi­li­ty and fle­xi­bi­li­ty for buil­ders and inve­stors, as well as gua­ran­te­e­ing an excel­lent cost-bene­fit ratio.

Long tun­nels, spraw­ling com­pa­ny buil­dings, and public faci­li­ties need to be evacua­ted quick­ly in case of fire. While this hap­pens, it is essen­ti­al that the ener­gy sup­p­ly is main­tai­ned for emer­gen­cy light­ing, smo­ke extra­c­tion, emer­gen­cy signals and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on systems.

E90 handrail system for illu­mi­na­ting escape routes

The ergo­no­mic E90 handrail system with built-in light­ing is a com­ple­te light­ing system for tun­nel ori­en­ta­ti­on (handrail – duct – wiring – alarm unit – gui­de light).

The sta­ble, self-sup­port­ing steel cons­truc­tion is rust-free and not only effec­tively pro­tects safe­ty-rele­vant parts in nor­mal ope­ra­ti­on as well as in case of fire.


  • Tested E90 func­tion­al-inte­gri­ty system
  • Power sup­p­ly with Woertz FE180 E90 flat wires
  • LED light with rapid assem­bly and repla­ce­ment in maintenance.
  • IP66 and IP68 lights
  • Opti­mi­sed LED light­ing for con­si­stent, line­ar 50 lux illu­mi­na­ti­on of footpaths
  • Indi­vi­du­al com­pon­ents are all easy to acqui­re and quick and simp­le to install.
  • All com­pon­ents are impact-pro­of and have pro­tec­ti­ve insu­la­ti­on, min. IP65, halo­gen-free, fla­me-retar­dant and self-extinguishing.
  • System with lowest-pos­si­ble com­bu­sti­ble mass and lowest-pos­si­ble smo­ke gene­ra­ti­on in case of fire.