Woertz cable rou­ting systems


The right system for every situa­ti­on. Cus­tom designs are also available.

Pro­duct catalogue

Cable rou­ting systems

Our solu­ti­ons offer opti­mal cable rou­ting in the flo­or, wall or cei­ling. They are easi­ly acce­s­si­ble, easy to expand and retro­fit. Enjoy fast, dis­creet and safe cable rou­ting with sepa­ra­te rou­ting for high and low vol­ta­ge cur­rent. Whe­ther flo­or trun­king, rai­sed flo­or, under­flo­or trun­king or para­pet systems, we have the right solu­ti­on for your requirements.

Our cable rou­ting systems pro­vi­de clean, robust and long-lasting ver­sa­ti­le cable rou­ting under and on the flo­or, wall or cei­ling. They are easi­ly acce­s­si­ble, simp­le to retro­fit and to expand. Cable lay­ing is quick, dis­creet and safe. High and low vol­ta­ge curr­ents are pro­per­ly sepa­ra­ted in the duct.


cable routing false floor

Table of contents 

Cable routing systems in the floor

Cable rou­ting systems under the floor

Cable rou­ting systems under the flo­or are used whe­re­ver access to power or data is requi­red and the­re is no wall con­nec­tion nearby.

Choo­sing the right cable rou­ting system results from a mix of struc­tu­ral, func­tion­al and aes­the­tic requi­re­ments and must also take into account chan­ging needs in the future.

Flo­or trun­king systems

Flo­or trun­king is a fle­xi­ble, easi­ly acce­s­si­ble and aes­the­ti­cal­ly plea­sing system.

It is very easy to assem­ble, extre­me­ly robust and dura­ble. It can be com­bi­ned with all kinds of mate­ri­als and is also available in cus­to­mi­sed ver­si­ons. Instal­la­ti­on kits can be instal­led direct­ly in the trun­king, the cover of which can be easi­ly ope­ned with a cable out­let. The trun­king can be laid in a straight line or with chan­ges of direc­tion using ang­le, cross or T joints. Level­ling feet com­pen­sa­te for uneven­ness in the flo­or and sound insu­la­ti­on ele­ments mini­mi­se impact noise.

cable routing systems

Rai­sed flo­or systems

Rai­sed flo­or systems are the most fle­xi­ble of all cable rou­ting systems, requi­ring com­pa­ra­tively litt­le instal­la­ti­on effort, and are ide­al for lar­ge volu­mes of cables. Work­sta­tions and con­nec­tions can be moved very easily.

In this easi­ly acce­s­si­ble system, flo­or panels are moun­ted on sup­ports. The cor­re­spon­ding DAK junc­tion box is moun­ted in pre­fa­b­ri­ca­ted ope­nings in the flo­or slab. Frames and covers are available with various out­let ope­nings in dif­fe­rent sizes, designs and mate­ri­als. If a work­sta­tion is moved, the flo­or panels can sim­ply be repla­ced with cable out­let panels at the new loca­ti­on and vice versa.

raised floor systems

Under­flo­or trun­king systems

Under­flo­or systems are ide­al for clean and easy covera­ge of lar­ge areas.

This system con­sists of trun­king sec­tions, BAK junc­tion boxes as well as pull boxes and is com­ple­ted with fixing brackets and elbows. The cor­re­spon­ding BAK junc­tion boxes are laid on bare con­cre­te flo­ors in the desi­red, often work­place-spe­ci­fic grid system. If the needs of the users chan­ge, the instal­la­ti­on kits can be easi­ly exch­an­ged or expan­ded. Even retro­fit­ting or expan­si­on with addi­tio­nal cables can be done effort­less­ly, quiet­ly and dirt-free thanks to the pull boxes.

Underfloor trunking systems
Parapet systems

Dado systems

Woertz dado trun­king systems are robust and ver­sa­ti­le cable rou­ting systems that are easy and straight­for­ward to install and gua­ran­tee the full ran­ge of modern con­nec­tion tech­no­lo­gies in the long term.

Sockets and con­nec­tions for data tech­no­lo­gy are free­ly con­fi­gura­ble and can be pla­ced any­whe­re in the trun­king and can also be retro­fit­ted wit­hout any problems.

The trun­king is available in wha­te­ver shape and colour you want. Dif­fe­rent mate­ri­als such as sheet steel, alu­mi­ni­um, wood or pla­stics can be com­bi­ned. In addi­ti­on to stan­dard sizes, cus­to­mi­sed designs are also available with quick pro­duc­tion turnaround.

Dado trun­king

Aes­the­ti­cal­ly plea­sing and robust cable trun­king with sockets and data con­nec­tions that can be moun­ted at the front, bot­tom or insi­de as desi­red. Sui­ta­ble for fre­quent socket use. Sockets can be easi­ly instal­led, moved, added or removed.

Parapet channel

Hos­pi­tal trun­king / media trunking

Hos­pi­tal trun­king, also known as medi­cal sup­p­ly units or media trun­king, is a dado trun­king that ensu­res the relia­ble sup­p­ly of ener­gy, data and gases at the bedside in accordance with the latest stan­dards for medi­cal devices. Thanks to their modu­lar design, they can be used in many are­as of pati­ent care and are also often used in labo­ra­to­ries as a media connection.

Hospital Channel / Media Channel

Hin­ged cover trunking

Prac­ti­cal, ele­gant dado trun­king for cable rou­ting and relia­ble sup­p­ly of appli­ances with power and data with hin­ged cover for con­ve­ni­ent unplug­ging and plug­ging in.

Hinged cover channel

Com­bi­na­ti­on trunking

Com­bi­na­ti­on trun­king is a com­pact dado trun­king with angu­lar, slo­ping or roun­ded edges. It is a com­bi­na­ti­on of dado trun­king and hin­ged cover trun­king in which the cover is ope­ned upwards using litt­le space.

Combination channel

Base­board trunking

Trun­king instal­led on the flo­or and adja­cent to the wall for cable rou­ting and relia­ble sup­p­ly of power and data to users. Sockets can be instal­led on the out­side or are acce­s­si­ble in the trun­king via the plug cover or con­ve­ni­ent­ly via the clea­ning outlet.

Plinth duct

Column trun­king

Con­nec­tion colum­ns for flo­or or cei­ling instal­la­ti­ons to relia­bly sup­p­ly users with power and data wit­hout trip­ping hazards.

Column channel

Riser trun­king

Robust cable trun­king for ver­ti­cal cable rou­ting on the wall or in the midd­le of the room.

Riser channel
Connection systems

Con­nec­tion systems

Instal­la­ti­on-fri­end­ly, dis­creet and func­tion­al con­nec­tion tech­no­lo­gies in and on walls, flo­ors and colum­ns for the secu­re and long-lasting fle­xi­ble sup­p­ly of power and data.

BAK – Flo­or junc­tion box

Ver­sa­ti­le junc­tion box in various widths and heights with indi­vi­du­al socket and data con­nec­tion equip­ment. Com­pa­ti­ble with under­flo­or systems and com­mon con­duits. Frame and cover available in dif­fe­rent mate­ri­als and with impact sound insulation.

Underfloor trunking systems

WAK – Home junc­tion box

Home junc­tion boxes are smal­ler than BAK flo­or junc­tion boxes. The­se boxes are con­nec­ted via stan­dard con­duits. With its com­pact size and simp­le instal­la­ti­on, not only can com­mer­cial buil­dings be easi­ly equip­ped, but it can also make your home living room more com­for­ta­ble. Dif­fe­rent sizes and cover mate­ri­als pro­vi­de accents or inte­gra­te per­fect­ly into the room.

Flat junction box

WAD – Wall junc­tion boxes

For dis­creet sup­p­ly of power and data in the wall, rai­sed flo­or or hol­low cei­ling. The boxes are con­nec­ted with com­mon con­duits. Available in dif­fe­rent sizes made of gal­va­ni­s­ed sheet steel for indi­vi­du­al con­nec­tion equipment.

Wall junction boxes

Con­nec­tion attach­ments and con­nec­tion columns

Design-empha­sis­ed con­nec­tion attach­ments for easy-to-install room con­nec­tions with indi­vi­du­al equip­ment for data and power. Easy to refill, high­ly sta­ble and available in seve­ral heights in models for indoor and out­door use with and wit­hout pro­tec­ti­ve covers. Free­stan­ding or rece­s­sed in the wall.

Connection attachments and connection columns
Woertz cable rou­ting and con­nec­tion systems

The right system for every situa­ti­on. Cus­tom designs are also available.