Win­ter­thur Can­to­nal Hospital

Com­for­ta­ble pati­ent rooms with cer­ti­fi­ed Woertz hos­pi­tal channels

The new buil­ding of the KSW (Kan­tons­spi­tal Win­ter­thur) is a place of con­va­le­s­cence, with spa­cious pati­ent rooms, lar­ge win­dows, bright design, high-qua­li­ty mate­ri­als and modern tech­no­lo­gy. The rooms offer a gre­at view of Win­ter­thur, are com­for­ta­b­ly fur­nis­hed and have their own bath­rooms, sto­rage space and safe­ty facilities.

Pro­duct systems used:

mve 4675

Medi­cal sup­p­ly units MVE 4675

For the relia­ble sup­p­ly of ener­gy, data and gases tail­or-made in modu­lar design.