Ger­ia­tric Cli­nic St. Gallen

Medi­cal sup­p­ly units

Pro­ject Description:

Inte­rim buil­ding in steel-wood modu­lar cons­truc­tion by the com­pa­ny Erne AG in Rhein­fel­den. The indi­vi­du­al modu­les of the media ducts are com­ple­te­ly pre-assem­bled in the fac­to­ry and then trans­por­ted by truck to the ger­ia­tric cli­nic in St. Gallen.

Pro­duct systems used:


MVE 4675 250x90mm

Medi­cal sup­p­ly unit MVE 4675 250x90 mm hori­zon­tal, with various opti­ons for opti­mal use in the hos­pi­tal; con­sul­ta­ti­on, pro­ject plan­ning incl. com­ple­te assem­bly by our team.