Open Day

On the occa­si­on of our 95th anni­ver­sa­ry, we invi­ted to an open day at our pro­duc­tion plant in Hölstein.

An exci­ting expe­ri­ence tour led through the exhi­bi­ti­on about the histo­ry of Woertz, the fasci­na­ting world of elec­tri­cal engi­nee­ring, past the show pro­duc­tion of the lar­ge sheet metal working machi­nes, to our new cable pro­duc­tion machi­ne and last but not least to the deli­cious tastings at the Indu­stri­al Bar.

We thank you for the num­e­rous visits. We look for­ward to see­ing you next time. It was a plea­su­re for us.


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