Repla­ce­ment DEL-Index

Cus­to­mer infor­ma­ti­on regar­ding a surchar­ge for metals used:

The DEL Index was sus­pen­ded on Febru­ary 11th, 2022. Sin­ce that date the­re has been a WM index (West­me­tall), which fol­lows the pri­ce deve­lo­p­ment of the DEL index. 

The fol­lo­wing value is now taken as the basis:

  • Unit of mea­su­re: EUR/100 Kg
  • Peri­odi­ci­ty: Dai­ly rate
  • Surchar­ge: Purcha­se Cost surchar­ge 1%

For all orders received/already recei­ved by us, we will app­ly for deli­very after April 1st 2022, the WM index at the dai­ly rate of the deli­very.

As befo­re, a 1% purcha­se cost surchar­ge applies.

The dai­ly Exch­an­ge rate is published in the foo­ter of our web­site.

We reser­ve us the right to read­just a surchar­ge for metals used in the event of signi­fi­cant mar­ket changes.