New buil­ding Sel­mo­ni AG

New cons­truc­tion with pre­fa­b­ri­ca­ted elec­tri­cal instal­la­ti­on and indi­vi­du­al ducts

Pro­ject Description:

The new head­quar­ters of Sel­mo­ni AG in Mün­chen­stein will be built on an area of almost 20,000m². Offices, a work­shop, as well as sto­rage and par­king halls will find space in the modern new buil­ding. Woertz AG, as the main sup­plier of flo­or trun­king, para­pet trun­king and pre-assem­bled cabling systems, is proud to have been invol­ved in this exci­ting project.

To meet the spe­cial requi­re­ments of the buil­ding owners, round as well as squa­re flo­or boxes were instal­led with spe­cial cable out­lets. The work­shops were equip­ped with spe­cial para­pet ducts and pre-assem­bled flat cable systems to opti­mal­ly sup­p­ly each workstation.

Pro­duct systems used:

Flat cable system Power 5G2.5 mm²

Flat cable system Power 5G2.5 mm²

Fle­xi­ble system for relia­ble power supply.

Floor channel BOK 8880 400x60mm integrated leveling device

Flo­or duct BOK 8880

Robust, resi­li­ent, easi­ly acce­s­si­ble and visual­ly aes­the­tic system that ful­ly meets today­’s demands and ever-chan­ging needs in modern offices and com­mer­cial spaces.

Parapet channels

Para­pet chan­nels BRK 4671

Ver­sa­ti­le, robust para­pet chan­nel made of sheet steel or aluminum.